I decided to create a game about my obsession with dogs. In my ideal world, I would be able to just walk into my local dog park and pet them because I miss my boys back home. I made this game because I thought it would be fun to be able to pet as many dogs as possible, and I hope you do too!

The process of making this game was pretty smooth compared to my previous works, as I continue to practice and devote more time to learning, I can feel myself improving. However, I still have a ways to go and I know this game is far from perfect.  I wish I was able to spend more than 4 weeks on it because I struggled many times with concept changes and experimentation that didn't always end up working. Regardless, because it was such a fun project I had no problems picking it back up again and tinkering with it, and I think I will continue to do so.

Fall 2018

Developed in  Unity 2018.2.14f1

Windows 10